30 marzo 2022
This paragraph is nested inside an article. It contains many different, sometimes useful, HTML5 tags. Of course there are classics like emphasis, strong, and small but there are many others as well. Hover the following text for abbreviation tag: abbr. Similarly, you can use acronym tag like this: ftw. You can define deleted text which often gets replaced with inserted text.
You can also use keyboard text, which sometimes is styled similarly to the <code>
or samp tags. Even more specifically, there is a tag just for variables. Not to be mistaken with blockquotes below, the quote tag lets you denote something as quoted text
. Lastly don’t forget the sub (H 2O) and sup (E = MC 2) tags.
# | First Name | Tables |
1 | Britton | Are formatted like this |
2 | Zachary | Includes table row hover |
3 | Success | |
4 | Danger | |
5 | Warning | |
6 | Active |
Blockquote: I quickly explained that many big jobs involve few hazards
This is a mult-line blockquote with a cite reference. People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’tdone as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs – Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference, 1997
Coordinada por Eleonora González Capria y con la presencia de Irma Pelatan, Donat Blum y Erín Moure. Hermoso cierre de otra edición de este magnífico proyecto creado por Lucila Cordone (in memoriam). Gracias a la FEL por el espacio, al equipo de la AATI, a las coordinadoras generales de la EOTL 2022, traductoras Martina Fernández Polcuch y Lucía Dorin, a las coordinadoras de los distintos talleres que hubo y a quienes participaron. Una mención especial para Marita Propato y Aldana Luz Almaraz por la interpretación simultánea. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacinia erat eget leo semper suscipit. Sed finibus ullamcorper sem, fringilla consequat eros. Praesent magna metus, tincidunt ac nunc sit amet, eleifend venenatis sapien. Donec vel venenatis odio. Cras pulvinar egestas mattis. Donec et sem euismod, scelerisque lectus nec, gravida nisl. Fusce vitae semper elit. Mauris nec nunc lorem. Etiam ut augue vitae nisl accumsan ornare nec quis augue. In sodales quam felis. Donec imperdiet ligula id bibendum efficitur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam et rhoncus purus, vitae porta dui. Sed lorem risus, euismod sed elit id, vehicula euismod lorem. Cras congue enim a sagittis efficitur. Aenean semper quam vel felis semper accumsan.